Non-exhaustive list of the most delusional scientific studies concerning the effects of vaping on your health.

Vaping and health


Most of the leads seeking to prove the harmful effects of vaping on health have already been explored, with little success since most of them prove the lesser harmfulness of vaping on your health compared to tobacco (-95%) or are quickly refuted by other studies.

Because reality doesn't seem to want to agree with the predictions of these doomsayers, a shift in strategy is in order : Could e-cigarette users be susceptible to more prosaic health implications ?

In short, and in no particular order, if you vape, you'll get covid, fractures, fertility problems, erectile dysfunction, and to top it all off, blindness.

Vaping spreads Covid

E-cigarette detractors have tried to raise the suspicion of an increased risk of spreading the Covid-19 epidemic, but the scientific reality has set the record straight.

Yet, from the New York Times to CNN, a flood of irrelevant headlines was already trying to convince us that if hospitals were saturated, it was due to vaping.

And then poof, a study conducted by the famous Mayo Clinic in the United States, on a sample of 70'000 people, gave a clear answer : there’s no link between vaping and covid. But the media did not at any time set the record straight...

Vape and COVID

Vaping will cause fractures

A study published in the American Journal of Medicine Open, tells us that the use of electronic cigarettes would lead to an increased risk of fractures related to bone fragility.

If we look more closely at the results of this study, some "oddities" jump out. The most worrying is the choice of test subjects for the study, which lacked any scientific rigour and mixed occasional and daily vapers, and even former vapers. Also, the study considered fractures prior to the use by the subjects of e-cigarettes.

When we know the rigour with which these studies must be conducted to be validated, it seems incomprehensible that such scientific chaos could have been published.

Vaping makes you sterile

A study published by The Endocrine Society suggests that the use of electronic cigarettes may impair mice.

In the light of this finding, the North Carolina researchers were honest enough to point out that what was true for mice was not necessarily true for humans and that it was far too early to extrapolate.

But too late the damage was done and the anti-vape movement jumped on this with both feet.

Let’s point out that, in the mechanism of tobacco-related hypo-fertility, it's not nicotine that is responsible for fertility problems, but tobacco combustion products. And this is a proven scientific fact, and confirmed on humans, which cannot be blamed on the electronic cigarette.

Vaping makes you impotent

Men will not be left out, according to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, electronic cigarettes can cause erectile dysfunction.

Armed with this startling revelation, researchers, in a moment of lucidity or belated guilt, admitted that the study was based solely on the participants' statements without verification.

Furthermore, physical activity could reduce this risk and the use of medication that can alter erectile function was not considered.

Basically, gentlemen, if you’re in good health and have a healthy lifestyle, vaping will not change your intimacy. Thank you science for this statement !

Vape and erectile dysfunction

Vaping makes you blind

Beware people, vaping makes you blind ! Yet another study from the USA to take a shot at vaping.

To conduct their research, the "scientists" simply collected behavioural data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Their method ? In a sample of one million people, they correlated the number of vapers with the number of those who said they had visual acuity problems. The result is clear and precise : there are more vapers with vision problems than non-vapers.

Straight to the point. There is no need to ask about the background of people with these visual problems : genetics, accidents or pathologies.

Since they tell you it's the fault of vaping, why bother with scientific rigour or in-depth studies ?


Did you have a good laugh ? Fancy more ? Be patient, some scientists still have test tubes full of similar nonsense to publish.

This is, of course, only an overview of the countless pseudo-scientific studies published in recent years.

But at a time when research is severely underfunded, one wonders how these researchers manage to raise funds (at a loss !).

Thank you for reading. 

The Sweetch Team