After the traditional midnight countdown and masked hugs to convince ourselves that 2022 will be better than 2021 : it’s time for the traditional New Year's resolutions.

For smokers, the number one resolution is always the same : "This year, I’ll quit smoking". And with Covid, you might as well have lungs in Olympic shape.

What if in 2022, you really did reach your goal ?

Let's take a look at the tools available.

  • For the more connected ones, we have the apps. How does it work ? You fill in a form with your smoking profile and your goals and you are monitored 24 hours a day with encouraging messages and reward points. Does it work ? Used on its own, not in ¾ of the time, but for some smokers it can be an additional help with another cessation method.

  • For those who prefer natural remedies, we have plants such as Lobelia enflea, used by the American Indians to treat respiratory problems. One of the alkaloids contained in the leaf, is said to have the same effect on the brain as nicotine. However, the price of these leaves is excessive and in homeopathic form there are few conclusive results. 
  • Why not try your luck with supernatural rituals and magic ? There is a white magic ritual to be performed on a Sunday evening during a rising moon. All you have to do is engrave the words tobacco, cigarette and nicotine on 3 red candles. Take a bath with rose and carnation petals and repeat 12 times in a row : “I invoke all the Angels and Archangels. I conjure them to keep tobacco, cigarettes, and nicotine away from me.” A good way to help people to quit smoking, and there are candles too !

And if you are looking for actual help to quit smoking, try the most efficient tool on the market : the electronic cigarette. 

95% less harmful than tobacco, a tool that can be totally personalised according to your nicotine needs, considerably reducing the sensation of withdrawal. 

Like millions of Europeans, say goodbye to traditional cigarettes thanks to e-cigarettes. 

So, for 2022 put out your last cigarette and switch to vaping !