interdit de fumer


On the 1st of June 2019, the smoking ban came into effect in some stations around Switzerland. A measure that will extend to all stations by mid-2020. The big question is : what about vaping ?


Last year, a trial period was held in four Swiss train stations, where smoking was banned. Subsequently, the new law ended up not going through. It was then decided that these new measures would be gradually implemented in the various stations around Switzerland, from the 1st of June 2019.

interdit de fumer

The arguments for this new law are, on the one hand, the cost of collecting cigarette butts and, on the other hand, cleaning up the air in the stations. Where trains also spill tons of fine particles while braking, but that's not the point.

Successively, the stations will therefore be equipped with clearly marked and delimited smoking areas.

The big question for us, vapers, is to know if we’ll have the same fate as smokers ?

The information comes from the press conference given on the 4th of June 2019 by the Swiss Public Transport Union (SPTU) : "There will be no police measures," said Vincent Ducrot, SPTU vice president.

Yet this information contrasts with what we could read in the press in recent months. Can we thank the Helvetic Vape association for its communication ? She was concerned about whether the ban and confinement to smoking areas would also apply to vaping, this without any legal or scientific basis.

Indeed, this measure would expose vapers to second-hand smoke and risks of relapse when they are in a smoking cessation period.

The association has put forward the fact that the vaper does not throw cigarette butt on the ground or on the rails, and that there is no risk of second-hand vaping, as we had already communicated in one of our previous blog article.

interdit de fumer

The SPTU admits that « the issue of vaping has simply not been considered » and has « simply followed the recommendations of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (SFOPH) ».
In 2016, the SFOPH had already received the Parliament's mandate to clearly differentiate vaping and traditional smoking in the future law on tobacco products, cannabis and vaping (LPTab).

A fine for vaping could clearly be disproportionate and inadequate, and the opposition of such a fine in court could go against the SPTU's decision, hence giving up on the idea of fining vaping offenders.

The recommendations are : « The Helvetic Vape Association recommends vapers not put their health at risk and to avoid standing in smoking areas. In the absence of an area exclusively dedicated to vaping, we urge vapers to show civility and manners by vaping in a discreet and non-invasive way towards the other users of the station platforms ».

As always, it’s all about respect and avoiding any type of abuse that would bother others.

interdit de fumer


In conclusion, the legal void still hangs over vaping, but fortunately some take into consideration the current scientific knowledge and public health issues. For the moment, vapers will not be condemned to second-hand smoking in the designated zones of the Swiss railway stations.

Dear vaping friends, let's not forget the notion of respect ! As mentioned by Helvetic Vape, if you want to vape outside the smoking areas at Swiss railway stations, be discreet and non-invasive to others on the platforms !